Monday, November 17, 2008

1900 Kitchen Tips

1. A new way of serving poached eggs is to pour browned butter over slices of toast before placing the eggs on them, and sprinkling with finally chopped pickle.
2. To remove any dish from a mold when cold, wrap a hot cloth about the mold for a minute or two.
3. Wafer crackers, when sprinkled with grated cheese and slightly browned in the oven, are dainty to serve with salad.
4. Brass kettles should be cleaned with salt and vinegar in order to avoid verdigris poisoning.
5.Gum camphor kept in the case or closet with new silverware will tend to prevent tarnishing.
6.For dipping articles to be fried, one must use the whole egg, or the white of an egg, but not the yolk alone.
7. When frying, the economical woman only uses enough of her frying fat to comfortably cover what is to be rried.

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